Which Roofing Material is the Best for Your New Roof? [2022 Best Choice]


Do you need a new roof? You might be researching the most beneficial material to use in your installation. If you need profound professional advice, the experts at A&M Premier can help.

Otherwise, read on to discover which roofing material is the best for your new roof in 2022.

How Do I Know Which Roofing Material is Best for a New Roof?

There’s no set-in-stone option for the definitively ‘best’ roofing material. However, roofing materials are designed for specific purposes, and some could have significant advantages over others.

Shingles have consistently come as 2022’s preferred roofing materials that best address the needs of the modern homeowner. Some suit the needs of a home better than others, so we’ve compiled a list of this year’s best choices.

Discover 5 Best Choices for Roofing Material in 2022

In no order, find five of our top choice shingles roofing materials for 2022, each with a distinguishable feature that makes them stand out.

  1. Fiberglass Shingles

We’ll start our list with fiberglass shingles, arguably some of the most preferred roofing materials because of their sustainability. They’re lightweight, easy to install and provide solid insulation for your home.

However, fiberglass shingles, for all their benefits, are some of the priciest on the market. There are also fewer colour and style options than the other shingle types out there.

  1. Wood Shingles

Wood shingles are one of the most environmentally sound roof options if sustainability is a factor. The shingles are usually made of cedar, being rot-resistant and looking great placed at the top of your home.

However, the downside is that they will require more maintenance than some of the other roofing materials.

Asphalt shingles are an excellent roofing material and a good inexpensive option.
  1. Asphalt Composition Shingles

Asphalt Composition Shingles make the list of best roofing materials as they are one of the most inexpensive options. They are ideal for most climates, have a decent lifespan, and aren’t difficult to maintain.

Asphalt shingles are an excellent roofing material if you don’t have a specific concern. Still, it’s noted that they aren’t the most environmentally-friendly assets.

  1. Clay Shingles

Wouldn’t it be great to have a roofing material that looks great and can last over 100 years if installed correctly? Clay shingles undoubtedly look fantastic in neighbourhoods and have phenomenal curb appeal.

They are natural, long-lasting, and require little maintenance. However, they are more pricey than other materials due to their aesthetic appeal and regular need for care.

  1. Metal Roof Shingles

Metal shingles have grown in popularity because of their long lifespan, environmental resistance, insulative prowess, and various styles, materials, and colours.

It’s not a material that’s easy to install, requiring another layer under the roofing to ensure it’s soundproof, and they can be pretty expensive. But the chosen type can benefit the home in terms of aesthetics, protection, and longevity.

So how do you choose between these shingles? What would be the best shingle investment for your new roof? More importantly, how would you get it installed?

Get In Touch with A&M Premier For a Consultation

Are you keen on installing one of these shingle types on your roof? You may need professional guidance on the best ones for a home that stands the test of time. The team at A&M Premier will assist with all your roofing needs.

Give us a call and schedule your consultation today.

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