The Best Type of Roof for Maintenance and Repair


The roof of your home has a much bigger impact on the overall longevity and comfort of your home in general, and depending on what you choose, not only can the installation costs be far cheaper, but so can the general upkeep and repairs.

The Best Type of Roof for Maintenance and Repair

Through our years of installing roofs, we’ve found that the traditional shingle roof is the best type of roof for maintenance and repair. It is also easily the best in terms of initial price, long-term costs, and performance.

However, there are still three types of shingle roofs you’re likely to choose from. Which one is right for you, and which one will give you the most bang for your buck?

Let’s take a look.

3-Tab Asphalt Shingles:

Starting on the low end of the price spectrum, you can opt for a 3-tab asphalt shingle roof. These are exceptionally cost-effective roofs; as 3-tab shingles typically only cost about $100 per square foot once you factor in labor costs, and the average home can get a complete installation for roughly $12,000.

3-tab asphalt shingles are similar to traditional shingles. They’re made by pouring asphalt over a plant-fiber or corrugated paper base. This creates a sturdy finished product, but it’s also fast and cheap to produce.

However, 3-tab shingles have three tabs that allow them to interlock and create a uniform look across the entirety of your roof; unlike the layered look of traditional shingles.

These can last for decades if cared for properly, but due to the interlocking design, they lack high wind resistance, and moisture can get caught between the tabs, causing mold and decay. They’re not great if you don’t keep your roof clean and inspect it after storms, but they are a cost-effective and attractive option.


Architectural Shingles:

Architectural shingles are what you’re probably most familiar with. These are the layered asphalt shingles that have adorned houses for a little over a century, and they’re the most common in the United States.

These shingles cost about $150 per square foot, and the average roof costs about $14,000 to $15,000 to complete.

These shingles are thicker, and their layered installation pattern prevents moisture from flowing into their seams and getting trapped on the wood beneath them, limiting the amount of moisture your roof is exposed to. Not only that, but these shingles are highly resistant to wind, and they’re almost always guaranteed for at least 30 years.

Repairs are slightly more complicated due to the shingles being layered, but they’re still easy enough to be cost-effective, and they can be done in patches.

This is our most recommended option for its balance of price and reliability.

Asphalt Fiberglass Shingles:

Finally, there are newer asphalt fiberglass shingles you can opt for. These are expensive. They cost about $425 per square foot, and the average home costs $16,000 to complete. However, the price hike is worth it.

These shingles are layered like architectural shingles, look almost identical, and have the same benefits. However, because they’re made from pouring asphalt over a fiberglass base rather than a plant fiber base, they’re far stronger and thicker. This makes every benefit offered by architectural shingles that much more reliable. In fact, the only drawback to these is their cost.

Get Your Shingle Roof Installation with A&M Premier Roofing

If you’re shopping for a new roof, and you don’t want to deal with the hassle of expensive repairs and constant upkeep, a shingle roof is a way to go. They’re cost-effective, don’t require much more than semi-regular cleaning, and making repairs is highly affordable.

Contact A&M Premier Roofing for your shingle roof installation, today.

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